Aleksandar Rašković


Accordion Straps

Taking Accordion Lessons Online

Via Skype, I’ve been teaching accordionists of all levels for nearly four (4) years.
In today’s world, where every second counts and our very knowledge necessitates an instantaneous upgrade, online learning is an ideal way to efficiently and effectively invest in your continued self-development.

Why Take Online Lessons?
Accordion Backstraps

From learning a new hobby to improving a skill set, the new relationships that we forge while learning online keeps our minds vibrant and healthy. Learning to play a musical instrument from the privacy of your own home -- without having to commute to and from a music studio – is an excellent method for anybody who wants to learn to play the accordion. Relative to other instruments, you don’t really need to tune your accordion; it’s always ready to play! When you’re limited on time, that means a lot. For this type of learning, you’ll need a proper computer or digital device, a reliable internet connection, and possibly a set of headphones (though not required). Of course, you’ll need to play your own accordion; mine are with me, in Serbia. 😊
So… after reading this blog post, you’ll be excited to log into Skype, initiate a call to me via video, and we can instantly share digital materials and a teacher-student bond worthy of fruitful accordionology.

Internet Connection
Accordion Handstraps

My internet connection is fast, stable, and reliable. Your internet connection, as well, must be reliable and stable. You will not be required to have the fastest speeds possible, because even modest connection speeds can support hour-long Skype calls. Kindly note that I rarely experience audio/video failures with my students. We don’t worry too much about momentary fluctuations; these are rare, and they do not negatively affect our lessons. As my testimonies affirm, I am wholeheartedly invested in your session; no one ever gets penalized in the rare instance of a bad connection. My Skype lessons are effective and fun.

Accordion Smallstraps

Online accordion lessons require a proper device. Laptop computers, notebooks, and tablets are ideal for this type of work, because they can be easily transported, and they make lessons doable from different locations. Home-office desktop computers are also an acceptable means of connecting across cyberspace. Where nearly all laptops, notepads, and tablets possess built-in cameras and microphones, many desktop computers still require a separate camera and microphone, so you’ll have to install these peripherals according to the manufacturer’s specifications. (I do not recommend cellular phones, simply because the screen sizes are very small, and I may need to share sheet music with you.) Finally, although i-pads and tablets have excellent video transmission, some of these can experience weaker sound and microphone signals. In these cases, I recommend using headphones.

What Else Do You Need?

Some other things you may need are:
* Working Space: Your space can be in any room, but it’s a much better learning experience if you are alone, private, without distractions from either inside the room or outside of it.
* Music Stand: Though not required, many students effectively reference their sheet music during an accordion session while it rests on a typical music stand.
* Sheet Music: I can teach any genre of accordion music. I encourage you to have a pen or pencil next to the sheet music of your choosing. If you do not have any sheet music, I can locate a digital selection based on your skill level and style of play. Still, most students will need to write notes on the sheet music for fingering, dynamics, and practice reminders.

Online Or Offline Lessons?

Hummm… if you are a well-advanced player or a classical performer, then you probably have a teacher with whom you already meet in person. But if you are a beginner, I sincerely believe that -- with excitement and without much struggle -- online lessons with me will help you advance your musicality with the accordion (from the comfort of your own home!).

Book A Free Lesson


011 381 69 131 0167

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